- Team Suite for the Day (8 hrs-$250/day)
- 6th floor Large Boardroom - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Private Office #2 for the Day $125 (8 hrs)
- Small Boardroom - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- 6th floor Large Boardroom by the Day (8 hrs - $500/day)
- Small Boardroom for the Day (8 hrs- $350/day)
- Member Parking for the Day $17 (includes tax)
- Team Suite - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Private Office #2 - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Private Office #4 - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Private Office #4 for the Day $125 (8 hrs)
- Private Office #6 for the Day $125 (8 hrs)
- Private Office #6 - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Wellness Office #1 - FULL DAY (8-5) $150 +HST (check to see if booked by the hour)
- Wellness Office #2 - FULL DAY (8-5) $150 +HST (check to see if booked by the hour)
- Wellness Office #1 - Evening (5:30-10)
- Wellness Office #3 - HOURLY (2 hrs min. required) $20/hr +HST (check to see if already booked for the day)
- Wellness Office #3 - FULL DAY (8-5) $120 +HST (check to see if booked by the hour)
- Small Meeting Room - HOURLY (2 hrs min required)
- Small Meeting Room for the Day (8 hrs- $100/day)
- 3rd Floor Event/Meeting Space - $180/HOURLY Rental (2 hrs min required)
- 3rd Floor Event/Meeting Space - DAILY ($1200 +HST)
- Wellness Office #1 - HOURLY (2 hrs min. required) $25/hr +HST (check to see if already booked for the day)
- Wellness Office #2 - HOURLY (2 hrs min. required) $25/hr +HST (check to see if already booked for the day)
Use the buttons above to filter the calendar.